
Gerbil care-  Food

So how much food do gerbils need?  
Unlike a dog or cat,  gerbils don't need to be given measured amounts.  Some people do measure their gerbil's rations,  but it is not really necessary.
There are two ways to feed your gerbils:  
1-  Bowl feeding.
2-  Scatter feeding.
Bowl feeding is where,  unsurprisingly,  you use a bowl!  You can purchase a small ceramic bowl at a pet store.  Simply fill it with food,  and your gerbils will take it from there!
Unless you use a pellet food,  however,  it will be necessary to insure that your gerbils do not only eat their favorites.  The best way to do this is to not replenish the food supply until they have eaten most or all of what is in their bowl.  
Scatter feeding,  on the other hand,  consists of scattering the food around the cage.  Some gerbil-owners prefer this,  as they think it more natural,  since the gerbils have to "forage" for their food.

Personally,  I use the bowl feeding technique.  The reason for this is that when I scatter feed,  I am not able to monitor the food intake and therefore do not know when to give more food.  You will have to choose which method you prefer.

For information on what type of food to use,  click here.   

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